Dear Food App
blog 12 As many of you know, my food was stolen. It was a long day. At the place which I go to in uniform I overheard a small squid exclaim, "where is the milkpond." A feature I did not believe existed and I hope does not. What kind of milk is it? Who put it there? It was 90 degrees out, did the milk spoil? How long has it been spoiling? Imagine walking through a forest smelling evergreens and suddenly milk. Is the void purple with glitter? Do frogs live there? Do frogs live in the milkpond? The milkpond remark bothered me. However, I soon experienced something far more bothersome. I lifted a box to move it to a different place. I was going through the motions, pondering milkponds when I stepped forward crushing the skull of a perhaps already dead female cardinal. A dead bird? I set the box back over it and called for the appropriate help. They were on their way. Four hours later, a beautiful pigeon dove straight into the glass window. I hurried to his side. I called the ap...