Dear Food App
blog 12
As many of you know, my food was stolen. It was a long day. At the place which I go to in uniform I overheard a small squid exclaim, "where is the milkpond." A feature I did not believe existed and I hope does not. What kind of milk is it? Who put it there? It was 90 degrees out, did the milk spoil? How long has it been spoiling? Imagine walking through a forest smelling evergreens and suddenly milk. Is the void purple with glitter? Do frogs live there? Do frogs live in the milkpond? The milkpond remark bothered me. However, I soon experienced something far more bothersome.
I lifted a box to move it to a different place. I was going through the motions, pondering milkponds when I stepped forward crushing the skull of a perhaps already dead female cardinal. A dead bird? I set the box back over it and called for the appropriate help. They were on their way. Four hours later, a beautiful pigeon dove straight into the glass window. I hurried to his side. I called the appropriate people. They said he may be stunned. He wasn't. They hadn't arrived for the last one. I watched the bird flop around. I saw a small pool of blood run from his beak. I was at his side when he made his last breath. He looked in my eyes and made me vow to avenge his death, that I would need to break glass. I shoved him under the box with the other dead bird. At the end of my time that I was there, I took a trash claw and disposed of both birds in a trash can. That's when the appropriate person came down to grab them. After I had disposed them. I moved the box to a different location.
After returning to my dwelling, I ordered Chipotle as a reward for pondering milkponds and witnessing two bad omens in a row. I was carpentering a desk in frustration. My delivery order arrived. I looked out my window to see the man paid to mow my lawn reach out and take my Chipotle. I was as stunned as the pigeon that smacked the glass. I watched the man stop halfway through mowing our lawn, take my Chipotle, and walk a block up the street with his lawn mower in tow. The words you previously read are the words I sent through my food app. They were kind and understood that birds dying are a bad omen. I received new food and cried while eating my Chipotle. A normal day.
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