Boris and Natasha
Blog 4
As many of you know I have a fish named Boris. Boris is afraid of thunder storms. When I sit in the room which he resides, he swims to the side of his tank closest to me. Because he seems so lonely, I recently purchased him a special friend named Natasha.
Boris is the only remaining fish of eight male fish friends. Nickoli was a yellow fat bellied molly who was bullied to death by Boris his first month in the tank. After Nickoli's death Boris positioned himself as dictator of the tank. His brother Ivan and him were very close. Putin the fish, Vladimir, Ben, Jerry, and Sucky McSucker Face the sucker fish all kept their distance. Boris asserted his dominance quickly. The tank conditions were never the greatest. And eventually they all passed away, except of course for Boris. While on numerous vacations he was left with little food and poor filtration. He spent two nights outside. He survived the moving process. He will never die.
Natasha was introduced to him after I remodeled his current home. The pet store people told me to remodel it so he would not be as aggressive towards his new companion as it would be a level playing field of new territory to both. I trust the pet store people. I placed Natasha's bag in the tank and the awkward introduction phase began. They swam around and after a few minutes stared at one another. The connection was made. It was love after a few minutes of extreme panic of not knowing where you are.
When Natasha's plastic prison was cut open and she was removed, her and Boris chased each other. I was nervous that they had forgotten the connection that they had made prior. After harshly yelling at Boris they settled down. Boris let her eat the fish food I served for dinner that night. With the previous fish he would not allow them to eat, so this was a wonderful moment. They are now pals. They strengthen their connection daily and I believe have made the void in their lives a little less void-like. They entertain me daily as they swim in different patterns, blow bubbles, discuss why Communism was unsuccessful, stare at the fish image on their fish food cylinder, and eat food. During thunderstorms I move them away from the window and they snuggle in their hiding place together.
Boris has been through a lot. Through his immortality he will most likely outlive me and see much more of the world. I wish him and Natasha a happy life and am glad that I can be a part of it. I am not suppose to have any pets in my home. So, to my landlord, please let me keep Boris and Natasha. If not, does someone want my immortal fish? He is a strong one. I strive to be like Boris often. Staying strong through changing conditions, waiting for food and swimming in strange patterns. I encourage you to make your void more freshwater like and do the same. Thank you Boris for your life lessons.
Enjoy Life,
Cincy Fox
Raquel Crowe
Natasha was introduced to him after I remodeled his current home. The pet store people told me to remodel it so he would not be as aggressive towards his new companion as it would be a level playing field of new territory to both. I trust the pet store people. I placed Natasha's bag in the tank and the awkward introduction phase began. They swam around and after a few minutes stared at one another. The connection was made. It was love after a few minutes of extreme panic of not knowing where you are.

Boris has been through a lot. Through his immortality he will most likely outlive me and see much more of the world. I wish him and Natasha a happy life and am glad that I can be a part of it. I am not suppose to have any pets in my home. So, to my landlord, please let me keep Boris and Natasha. If not, does someone want my immortal fish? He is a strong one. I strive to be like Boris often. Staying strong through changing conditions, waiting for food and swimming in strange patterns. I encourage you to make your void more freshwater like and do the same. Thank you Boris for your life lessons.
Enjoy Life,
Cincy Fox
Raquel Crowe
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