The Process of Creating This Blog

Blog 1

    As you may know, I have recently decided to create a blog. To start this process I used Google Chrome to search for how to begin. Many articles appeared and I choose a site that had an article called Blogging Basics 101. (
  Upon finding this gem I ultimately had chosen Blogger as I felt it filled the dark void which I wanted to explore in my life or cover with duct tape. I did not want my work email attached to it though, so I did create a new Gmail. This took approximately, metaphorically 12.2 minutes as I wanted my new Gmail to be an ideal example of what a person with no job, friends, or responsibilities would look like.  I was successful. I may add a profile picture as well.

   While typing this I sat on the cold, dirty, white speckled floor with fellow cohorts. NOTE :I AM BAD AT SPELLING. I have retyped the same word a few times. Anyways, I sat on the floor for the first hour of my blogging journey. One cohort offered a spot in a nearby chair for me to perch. I rejected the idea of perching or sitting in the chair as I had occupied the floor spot for about an hour. I had a connection. It was no longer cold. My body heat had made it an odd temperature. My other colleagues encouraged me to occupy the chair. It is a well known fact if you chant my name three times I'll do almost anything. They did not chant my name, but I still moved. So here I perch in a black leather chair typing obnoxiously, continually spelling words wrong and retyping.

   I learned how to use Word count and how to block out the English being spoken around me. I focused in on this work. This is my gift to you; and who are you? You are my world, the beautiful people I pass daily and avoid eye contact with. Going our separate ways, standing in lines near one another, you eat at the table four over from mine during lunch, perhaps we stand silently in an elevator together, maybe you stare at me as I attempt to bring back the trend of "Planking," we may never even cross paths ever.

    I am very excited and hope that these words along with the ones I will type shall in the  future contribute to other people's voids found in their lives. I look forward to having a platform on the online blogging discourse community. I hope to momentarily help my readers forget about their responsibility, crippling debt, brothers, hunger, and any object that moves East to West.

Enjoy Life,
   Cincy Fox
   Raquel Crowe


  1. Great job Rock, keep up the good work. I am so proud of you.


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